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張紹群 同學 夫婿 林克定 先生 生平點滴事跡

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張紹群 同學 夫婿 林克定 先生 生平點滴事跡 Empty 張紹群 同學 夫婿 林克定 先生 生平點滴事跡

發表  YC59 17.10.21 21:41

張紹群 同學 夫婿 林克定 先生 生平點滴事跡:

Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra
9 月 28 日上午 6:53

香港管弦樂團的第一任樂團首席林克定先生於 2021 年 9 月 18 日與世長辭,香港管弦協會深表痛惜,謹此向他的家人致以衷心慰問。
林克定早於 1971 年已是港樂的樂團首席,當時樂團仍屬業餘性質,1974年樂團全面職業化時,林克定正式成為樂團首席;一直服務樂團至 1982/83 樂季。林克定是港樂第一任音樂總監林克昌大師的胞弟,1933 年生於印尼的一個華裔家庭,三位哥哥和一位姐姐皆是傑出音樂家。
香港管弦協會董事局主席岑明彥感謝林克定先生帶領樂團由業餘過渡至職業化階段,為樂團發展奠下重要基石。剛於 2021 年 7 月榮休的港樂小提琴樂師簡宏道曾與林克定共事,他憶道:「克定前輩很謙虛,為人和善,非常禮讓,與世無爭,是一位可敬的長者!」

In Memory of Lim Kek-tin (1933-2021)
The Hong Kong Philharmonic Society wishes to express its deepest condolences to the family of Lim Kek-tin, our very first Concertmaster, who passed away on 18 September 2021.
Mr Lim was Concertmaster of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra back in 1971, at a time when the orchestra was an amateur ensemble.
When the orchestra became fully professional in 1974, Mr Lim led it through the transition, and stayed on until the 1982/83 season.
The youngest brother of our first Music Director, Maestro Kek-tjiang, Lim Kek-tin was born into an Indonesian-Chinese family in 1933.
He grew up with four siblings, who all trained to be professional musicians.
Mr David Cogman, the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Society, expressed his gratitude to Mr Lim for his dedication in the early days which helped turn the HK Phil into what it is today. Russell Kan, former violinist of the HK Phil who retired last season,had worked with Mr Lim, and recalled: “He was a very humble pers
on, very kind, polite and gentle. A respectable senior!”
Our sincere gratitude and respect go to Mr Lim. He is solelyd missed.



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注冊日期 : 2012-11-06

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注冊日期 : 2012-11-17

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