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梁維耀《巧遇》 Empty 梁維耀《巧遇》

發表  Lwy 10.06.23 9:53



  “Hard work is a thing, but you need friends. You never know which friend that will bring you luck”.

  It was a bright sunny day in Cambridge when me, @nelanavida, and @aagnansyah were taking a picture. I remember I shout “Mukaku keliatan gak di foto?” then this man bumped into us asking “Kalian dari Indonesia ya?” with a totally non-Indonesian accent.

  Our brief conversation led to an unexpected invitation to enter a restricted area of Cambridge College … like OF COURSE! That place is closed to visitors. Unaware of the man's identity as he cryptically assured us, "You will know who I am later."

  He took us on an “unusual” tour because he literally opened all rooms that were prohibited to everyone even their students. During this tour, we noticed a familiar face in a picture displayed on a wall of fame, we realized that he was Professor Yao Liang, the former President of @caiuscollege, University of Cambridge. A renowned Professor Emeritus in the field of Superconductivity, with research interests in encompassed the electronic properties of semi-superconductors and quantum phase transitions (ngerti gak? aku sih engga ya).

  Curiously, we asked if he had met Stephen Hawking, to which he casually replied, "Yeah, he's my best friend and neighbour. I'll show you his room later." Nangis.

  However, I won't delve into the story of Stephen Hawking here because Professor Liang's own journey deserves an extended account.  

  He graciously invited us to join him for coffee in the Senior Combination Room (SCR), a space exclusively used by Cambridge presidents. As our conversation unfolded, he shared that 60 years ago, he embarked on a voyage from Jakarta to England, armed with only Mandarin, limited Indonesian, and zero English language skills.

  Long story short, through unwavering determination, Prof Liang pursued his undergraduate degree at ICL. Upon completion, he found himself selling ice cream until "luck" and "angels” called friends presented him with an opportunity to pursue PhD at Cambridge. Decades later, who would have thought that a child from “gang kecil” in West Jakarta could become a researcher as great as Stephen Hawking and become President of Cambridge University?

  Amongst all his stories, the phrase that moved me to tears every time was, "You need friends.". I am a very sceptical person with luck, I only believe hard work and determination will bring you everywhere. Yet, upon hearing about "unusual moments" that shaped Professor Liang's life, I am convinced that luck plays a significant role. Just like this luck that bumped into us to meet him.

  Cerita ini kami beri judul "Cocotku membawa berkah", alias kalau aku gak teriak-teriak di jalan pas ngambil foto, gak akan mungkin takdir membawa beliau menghampiri kami.


文章數 : 85
注冊日期 : 2013-02-21

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梁維耀《巧遇》 Empty 回復: 梁維耀《巧遇》

發表  rb1606 10.06.23 13:29


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梁維耀《巧遇》 Empty 回復: 梁維耀《巧遇》

發表  Lwy 10.06.23 16:52

  回覆 rb1606:


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梁維耀《巧遇》 Empty 回復: 梁維耀《巧遇》

發表  CPY 10.06.23 19:34

     一句脫口而出的印尼話:"Mukaku kelihatan gak di foto?"(相片上看到我的臉嗎?),讓維耀兄有他鄉遇故知的感覺,更讓這些印尼留英碩士們覺得就是這句話引來了幸運之神。

    在社交媒體Instagram 裡,他們記下了這一場難忘的邂逅。"Kalian dari Indonesia ya?”(你們來自印尼吧?)這句他們聽來不純正的印尼話成了話匣子,他們竟然受邀參觀了劍橋大學,真的是令人喜出望外。更讓他們驚喜的是,這位來自雅加達gang kecil (小巷子)的先生,原來是劍橋大學院長、著名的超導體和量子相變專家,而且還是霍金的好友和鄰居。

“Hard work is a thing, but you need friends. You never know which friend that will bring you luck”.(“努力工作是一回事,但你需要朋友。 你永遠不知道哪個朋友會給你帶來好運”。)之後記下他們的奇遇和幸運。文中雖誤寫維耀兄大名為Liang Yao,但讀來讓人覺得這是懷著感恩的誠心寫下來的,也讓人又一次感受到維耀兄的平易近人,內歛低調,不忘念舊,大方好客。



文章數 : 231
注冊日期 : 2012-11-18

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發表  evachan 11.06.23 6:19



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發表  wmy 11.06.23 11:16



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梁維耀《巧遇》 Empty 回復: 梁維耀《巧遇》

發表  Lwy 13.06.23 7:47

 回 覆 溫 曼 瑛


  扭轉話題的意思是指別等 ‘巧遇’,而是 ‘自尋機會’。我們這一群經歷了高風險瘟疫,又已是八十開外。特別是我這種人在英國被定為 ‘極度風險‘ 人物(extremely vulnerable group),三年多來每天誠惶誠恐,今天有命而不知明天如何。好不容易偷生熬了過來。既然活過來了,就好好利用餘生罷。


  維 耀


文章數 : 85
注冊日期 : 2013-02-21

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