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When is the Right Time to do (中英對照)(from ny)


When is the Right Time to do (中英對照)(from ny) Empty When is the Right Time to do (中英對照)(from ny)

發表  wmy 16.01.14 13:08

好朋友,保握最佳時間,有益健康......... (from ny)

When is the Right Time to do

唸書的最佳時間>早上 醒來頭腦一定會昏昏的,但去洗把臉後,就會清醒多了,這時也是頭腦最清醒的時候,而在此時唸書或是記東西都會比較容易!

The best time to study> when you wake up after you wash your face, you mind is most clear. Study at this time, it is easy to memorize what you studied.


The best time to exercise>in the morning, it is good for walking because the air is fresh. But do not do strenuous exercise!

吃水果的最佳時間>飯前一小時 吃水果最有益,因為水果是生食,吃生食再吃熟食,體內就不會有白細胞增高的反應,有利於保護人體免疫系統,增強防病抗癌的能力。(鳳梨,橘子,香蕉,宜飯後)

The best time to eat fruits>Eating fruit one hour before meals is most beneficial because fruits are raw. It is more appropriate to eat raw then cooked food so that the body need not to elevate white blood cells to protect the body's immune system. This in turn enhances the anti-cancer mechanism. (Exceptions: Pineapples, oranges, bananas, should be taken after a meal)


The best time to exercise>Evening is the best time to exercise because human activities are subject to the "biological clock". On the contrary morning is not suitable for exercise and can be harmful. Exercise in the morning, blood pressure and heart beat are moving higher than the evening.

洗澡的最佳時間>晚上臨睡前 ,洗一次溫水澡能讓全身的肌肉和關節放鬆,有助於安然入睡。

The best time to take a bath>Before bedtime, a warm water bath allows the body to relax the muscles and joints. It also helps sleep peacefully.

減肥的最佳時間>飯後 45分鐘 。在二十分鐘內散步行程1600米,最有利於減肥。如過二小時後再散步二十分鐘,則減肥效果更佳。

The best time to lose weight>45 minutes after meals. A twenty minute walking (or 1600 meters), is most conducive to weight loss. If the walk is repeated two hours later, it would be even better.

睡眠的最佳時間>午睡最好從午後一小時 開始,這時身體感覺較遲鈍,很容易入睡。晚上則以十時至十一時上床最佳,因為人的深睡時間一般在夜晚二時至淩晨三時,而人在睡後一個半小時進入深睡狀態。

The best time to sleep>the best napping time is one hour passed noon. This time is the easiest in falling asleep. 10:00 pm to 11:00 p.m. is the best time to go to bed, because deep-sleep normally from one half of an hour to one hour after you fell asleep.


The best time to brush your teeth>Within three minutes after each meal. After eating one-third of bacteria in the mouth begin to decompose acid residue in food which can cause corrosion of enamel.

護膚的最佳時間>人體皮膚的新陳代謝夜間十二時至凌晨六時最為旺盛,因此睡前 護膚有促進和保護皮膚新陳代謝及保護皮膚健美的作用。

The best time for skin care>Skin metabolism is most vigorous between midnight and 6 a.m. So before going to bed, skin care can promote the skin metabolism and lead to proper functioning.

飲茶的最佳時間>飯後立即喝茶不科學,因為飯後立即喝茶,茶葉中的鞣酸可與食物中的鐵結合成不溶的鐵鹽,降低鐵的吸收,時間長了容易誘發貧血,等飯後一小時 ,食物中的鐵質已基本吸收完畢,這時喝茶就不會影響鐵的吸收了。

The best time to drink tea>Drink tea immediately after a meal is not scientific. This is because tea tannin has iron-binding properties *** it iron salts insoluble, and preventing iron absorption. Day after day, it is likely to cause anemia. It is more preferable to drink tea one hour after when iron in food has been absorbed.

記住了沒?~~ 我親愛的朋友!希望人人都能選對時間.才有健康的身體在這世上人間最關心妳的知音永遠祝福妳平安!健康!快樂!幸福!

Hope everyone can choose the right time to keep a healthy body. Wish you safe and happy always!


文章數 : 6681
注冊日期 : 2012-11-08

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