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Red River Valley by The McGuire Sisters


Red River Valley by The McGuire Sisters Empty Red River Valley by The McGuire Sisters

發表  rb1606 14.03.13 10:48

Red River Valley

by: The McGuire Sisters

  红透上世纪五十年代美国流行歌坛的女子组合The McGuire Sisters成员是由:
  Christine McGuire (born July 30, 1926);
  Dorothy McGuire (February 13, 1928 – September 7, 2012);
  Phyllis McGuire (born February 14, 1931).
三姊妹組成。她們自小便由媽媽帶到教堂中獻唱﹐到1949年她們便開始在一些醫院或軍營中演唱。1952年開始參與電視節目表演﹐演出深受歡迎﹐還未出唱片﹐已經能為Cosmopolitan雜誌當封面了﹐歷年來更曾在為Richard Nixon ﹑Gerald Ford ﹑ Jimmy Carter ﹑Ronald ReaganGeorge H. W. Bush五位美國總統及英女皇伊利沙伯二世演出。1954年簽約 Coral唱片﹐早期的歌曲都是翻唱20-40年代的歌曲為主﹐但已深得樂迷喜愛。

1968年的电视节目“艾德-苏利文秀”(The Ed Sullivan Show)上,当年猫王就是在这个节目中一炮而红。此后桃乐丝离开乐坛相夫教子。她的丈夫洛威尔-威廉姆森(Lowell Williamson)是个富有的石油商人。二人恩爱的婚姻持续了53年,育有两个儿子。上世纪八十年代,桃乐丝曾和姐妹们在拉斯维加斯的夜店复出表演过一次。她们最后一次同台演出是在七、八年前。后来,桃乐丝患上了帕金森症和老年痴呆症,September 7, 2012在儿子的家中去世,享年85岁。87岁的克丽丝汀和82岁的菲利丝如今生活在拉斯维加斯。

Please come back to the Red River Valley
Please come back to a heart that is true
I’ll be here in the Red River Valley
I’ll be waiting, my darling, for you

Oh my darling I know you are leaving
Though you say it is just for a while
But my darling you know I’ll be grieving
For the sound of your voice and your smile

I have waited a long time my darling
For the words that you never would say
Now I know that my griefs are all ended
For I know you are going away

Please come back to the Red River Valley
Please come back to the Red River Valley


文章數 : 4198
注冊日期 : 2012-11-06

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