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新的自然健康食品——奇異籽 Empty 新的自然健康食品——奇異籽

發表  古月語 07.11.12 9:59

A New Health Craze or a Very Smart Snack Option?
Chia Seed 中文名叫奇異子,學名歐鼠尾草,原產自美洲中部,可生長在熱帶及亞熱帶海拔4000英尺以下的地區,目前在美洲、澳大利亞等地區開展商業種植。

新的自然健康食品——奇異籽 220px-Salvia_hispanica_jd_alp_0
Scientific classification
新的自然健康食品——奇異籽 Chia_seeds
If you keep up on health food trends, then perhaps you’ve heard the little birdies chirping lately about Chia. So what the heck is Chia, besides being a cute sounding word? Once upon a time, when combined with the word “pet,” you had yourself a fun little Christmas gift for a white elephant part at the office. But Chia is much more than an office party accoutrement. So what is it, and what’s all the buzz about anyway?
Chia seeds have become popular of late because they are linked to weight loss — and this happens because they reduce your cravings for food and snacks, which tend to be the killer that leads to weight gain. How do they do this exactly? Well, it seems that chia has the ability to prevent some of the food that you eat from getting absorbed by your body’s system — so you’re not absorbing bad calories, thereby aiding your dieting efforts to a fairly high degree. But there’s more…

More Health Benefits Associated With Chia Seeds
Beyond weight loss, chia can help athletes to achieve greater hydration — by absorbing as much as ten times their weight in water, thereby forming a kind of gel like texture and form. This chia gel form helps to hydrate the body, and while all this is happening, there’s also some evidence to show that the chia power continues to help out your body’s systems, also reducing blood pressure.
And… OMEGA-3 power! According to our research, Chia seeds are considered to be are the richest plant source of Omega-3, among whose benefits you can count:

  • Fats that protect against inflammation (associated with conditions like heart disease as well as arthritis)
  • Eating less salmon since there’s more Omega-3 in Chia!
If you’ve been on a plan to add flax seeds to your smoothies, then get ready to sub them out, because Chia tends to be easier to digest than flax seeds, and Chia doesn’t need to be ground up in order to yield maximum benefit.
Are they bland? Yes. But that used to be the knock on tofu, too, if you can remember. The up-side to the blandness? Make Chia taste like anything you want by virtue of whatever you combine it with. Pineapple, Lemon, Strawberries. So what if they’re bland, they can help you to balance your blood sugar, which tends to spike after meals (especially if you’re loading up on sweets or starches when you’re dining). The associated low that comes after the spike is represented by the times of the day when you feel like you’re dragging. So regulating your blood sugar, balancing your body out, can help to eliminate these lows all together.
When the seed gells, because it’s made up on a combo of both soluble and insoluble fibers, Chia slows down how quickly your body wants to break down starch into sugar — so when Chia is a part of your meal, your food becomes a more consistent, regulated source of energy, instead of a ping pong match of highs and lows.

新的自然健康食品——奇異籽 Chia
More Facts About Chia Seeds
+ One of nature’s highest plant based sources of complete protein (remember our post on rice and beans).
+ This complete protein is enough to literally raise your energy.
+ If you bake, use Chia in its gel form to sub out half the butter in your recipes.
+ Looking for a natural antioxidant? Look no further than Chia seeds, which stay fresh for long amounts of time, as well as the food you add them to, in part because of this fact.
With plenty of great material around the web, a very brief amount of research will yield not only more great health benefits and reasons why you ought to consider adding Chia to your diet, but also some great sources from where you can purchase Chia at a reasonable price.

[Photos Via:
doctorgenao; getandstayfit.info]
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奇異籽(Chia Seed)原是南美Aztec 阿茲特克人的古老食品。有證據顯示,早在西元前3500年,奇異籽就作為食物,在西元前1500年到西元前900年還在現在墨西哥中部地區作為流通貨幣使 用。阿茲特克戰士外出戰鬥和狩獵時完全依靠奇異籽為生。西南美洲的印第安人在24小時的行軍中只吃一茶匙奇異籽就足夠提供生命所需的能量。從科羅拉多河谷 走到太平洋沿岸用綠松石交換貝殼的印第安商人常常只帶一小袋奇異籽做他們的乾糧。阿茲特克的統治者要求被他們征服的部落每年進貢奇異籽,祭祀也將奇異籽作 為供奉神靈的祭品。

直到最近幾年,美國的科學家發現其近乎完美的減肥功效----全天然地控制食欲奇異籽可以減慢人體對澱粉化合物的吸收,讓人進食後,一直有飽腹感,不會覺 得餓,而且奇異籽富含多種對人體有益的成分,被美國FDA認定為健康食品,

奇異籽在美國上市後,立即上了好萊塢明星的採購清單,形成了吃種籽減肥的健康減肥新時尚,諸如奇異籽沙拉醬、奇異籽飲料和奇異籽麵包之類的食品相繼出爐。 在美國,奇異籽(Chia Seed) 被稱為“Dietary dream food”(夢想中的減肥食品)。以往減肥藥都是以化學成份來抑神經系統達到控制食欲,對人體傷害很大,而奇異籽是純天然的,非但無副作用還提供人體多種 維生素和礦物質。2006年,日本首次引進了奇異籽,當年夏天,日本的減肥市場完全被奇異籽佔領。


奇異籽的外皮覆蓋了水溶性的纖維,入水之後能膨脹12倍以上,還能在胃裡形成膜狀,減慢澱粉化合物的吸收,食用少量奇異籽,就能長時間保持飽腹狀態,比現 有的代餐更有效和營養, 同時持續提供能量。 奇異籽包含了18種氨基酸,除人體必需的8種氨基酸之外,還包括抗肥胖氨基酸和脂肪燃燒氨基酸。抗肥胖氨基酸進入體內之後能分解油脂,阻礙吸收;脂肪燃燒 氨基酸能推動 UCP(Uncoupling protein


為達到最好的營養和效果,奇異籽都為生食,所以對奇異籽的品質和衛生標準要求很高。 只有符合有機標準的奇異籽才能保證不含農藥,無化學添加劑,可安全食用。





4-----奇異籽是很容易消化不像Flax Seed,奇異籽不需碾碎就可消化。人體可以輕易的消化奇異籽和7克的纖維。


在日常飲食中加入Chia Seeds的好處:

Chia Seeds十週後,平衡膽固值

Chia Seeds被推薦用於維護心臟健康

Chia Seeds能夠在碳水化合物和消化酶之間形成屏障,從而降低碳水化合物轉換為糖份的過程

Chia Seeds對於皮膚乾癢、皮膚問題等具有良好緩解作用,能夠促進皮膚傷口的癒合。

Chia Seeds為高纖維食物,能夠勻速地調節腸道,直至恢復正常。

Chia Seeds不含麩質,尤其是其中的高纖維能夠大量減少藥物的副作用。

Chia Seeds能夠幫助提高兒童專注力。

Chia Seeds能夠幫助提升精力,減少每日的疲乏感。同時不會像咖啡因那樣使人亢奮。

Chia Seeds能夠調節平衡體內女性生理水平

神奇的奇異籽是世界上Omega 3含量最高的植物類食物(Omega 3是魚油的主要成份,種籽中的OMEGA-3比魚油含量高,並且無污染),同時還含有抗氧化劑,食物纖維,蛋白質,鈣,鐵等多種人體需要的營養素。可迅速 修補人體的營養不均衡,增強體能,使用後使人每天保持充沛的精力,被譽為人類的“超級食品".

Chia Seeds營養成份豐富,含有多種蛋白質、礦物質、能量以及豐富的纖維素。

100g 蛋白質中含有的氨基酸
亮氨酸 5.9g 精氨酸 9.9g
異亮氨酸 3.2g 天冬氨酸 7.6g
賴氨酸 4.4g 胱氨酸 1.5g
甲硫氨酸 0.4g 谷氨酸 25g
苯丙氨酸 4.8g 甘氨酸 4.2g
蘇氨酸 3.4g 組氨酸 2.6g
色氨酸 1.3g 脯氨酸 4.4g
纈氨酸 5.2g 絲氨酸 4.4g
丙氨酸 4.4g 酪氨酸 2.8g
每100克的chia seed中,有631毫克的鈣,100克牛奶僅含有120毫克的鈣——

chia是其含量的5倍,磷含量高11倍,鉀含量高4.6倍 與小麥、大米、大麥、燕麥和玉米相比,鈣含量高13-354倍,磷含量高2-12倍,鉀含量高1.6-9倍。

Chia seed的鐵含量在所有種籽中是最高的。含鐵量是菠菜的6倍、扁豆的1.8倍、牛肝的2.4倍。
每100gchia seed 含有34.0 g脂類
其中飽和脂肪酸4.0 g
單不飽和脂肪酸3.3 g


我們都知道,人體必需從日常飲食中獲得Omega 3,Omega 3能夠促進心血管健全,解除關節酸痛不適,增進專注力,舒解壓力,令皮膚青春健康。

強效抗氧化作用,能夠保護人體內最基本的脂肪酸(fatty acid)離籽不受破壞。與其他Omega 3來源(亞麻、麻纖維、魚類)不同,Chia Seeds不含人工成分,也不需要添加維生素之類的抗氧化劑,它能夠自然保持新鮮,不需要冷藏。

每100克的Chia Seeds中,有631毫克的鈣,100克牛奶僅含有120毫克的鈣——Chia中鈣含量是牛奶含量的5倍,磷含量高11倍,鉀含量高4.6倍,且更易吸收。


Chia Seeds具有很高的飽水力,能夠包含比自身重量高達12倍的水分。這個特性可以在人體進行劇烈強度運動時,幫助有效留住水分和電解質;同時還可以防止肌肉在運動後產生過度疲勞和酸痛;幫助肌肉恢復健康和柔韌。

每1000克Chia Seeds中含有27.6克纖維,與***每日應攝入纖維量相等。這種可溶性纖維能夠帶走腸道中的食物殘渣,有效清理腸壁。通過每日攝入定量的Chia Seeds,大多數人能夠在一周內明顯感到消化和排泄系統的變化。適合從嬰兒到老年所有人群,使用方法豐富多樣,輕鬆方便。

本產品絕無任何添加劑,是完整的食物(Whole Foods),沒有經過人工研磨和加工,最大程度地保留了種籽中的各種多樣營養素,並且降低和減少了氧化反應所損失的營養。


不需要清洗!全天然,可以在生理期食用! 取一匙(約15G)種籽放入碗內。倒入一小飯碗的(約250ML )冷開水或熱溫水。攪拌後,靜置30分鐘,整碗水成凝膠狀即可食用,也可以加入任何飲料搭配食用列如:牛奶,麥片,優酪乳,豆漿,粥,奶昔,沙拉,醬料,湯。 奇異籽無味,像西米露。經常可以變化吃法,減肥也可以是有趣的。


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新的自然健康食品——奇異籽 SW1206_sf%20chia%20seed

文章數 : 665
注冊日期 : 2012-11-06

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